Sunday, August 29, 2010

Good Things to Come

So I guess by now any of you read my blog know that while I have been waiting to replace my camera I haven't been blogging lots... not to mention the fact that I am in search of a new computer as well. Life has hit us with some hard blows these past few years and it has been hard to get past a lot of them. So my goal when I had to stop posting was to at least get on here on Sundays and share something that was uplifting me and helping me get through these tough times. The gospel is an amazing strength to me when I feel like I just can't take anymore of what this world has to offer I can look forward to what eternity has to bless me with when I make it through this trial. I don't know if I have shared this video before.. I thought about going back to look but decided that even if I had it was worth sharing again. These past few days I have spent with my head in a tizzy as I have struggled with a new budget to get all of our debts paid off because I really want my family to have the security of living in their own home. I want to have a reliable vehicle that won't die in the middle of an intersection because the transmission decides to have a moment. I want peace and security in my life so that the everyday chaos of the world is easier to live with. So over and over I go again with numbers and more numbers trying to figure out the best way to do this so we can buy a house and get this vehicle. Now I love my husband to death but when it comes to stuff like this he isn't much help because knowing that if we don't run the dieing van for the next year will get us to our goal faster doesn't make him happy. He likes his toys and gadgets and the thought of going without is hard. It makes finding someone to talk to about this hard. Thank-you to my Mom and Bill for their advise to help get me through this long trip full of set backs. It reminded me of the video I am sharing because this poor family kept having problems and they kept going, even though they had to get help and the message afterwards reminds me to keep having hope and not to give up be good things will come, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Speaking of lights at the end of the tunnel, my sunshine, Ben, has come home from camp with a bunch of pictures and next week we will have a post in the middle of the week as he tells us all about it. Also I will get back into more regular posts after the kids get back into school because I will have time to fight with this silly computer of mine and I will be able to take pictures more regularly as I will be getting my new camera soon!! My first photo shoot will happen. See good things to come :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Parenting: Touching the Hearts of Our Youth

I can't help but feel touched every time I watch this video and I hope that it touches your lives too. It is soo important to really do those family things especially now as the world seems to be falling apart around us, and I have realised more now than ever that they grow so fast! As I watched Ben take off on his first plane ride this past week without us to head to camp for a week and a half how fast these past 12 years have gone and how little time I have left with him before he goes out in that world on his own for good. Have I done the right thing with him so far, what do I need to improve, will I be able to fix those mistakes I have made so he will be the strong, well rounded individual able to stand up against everything this world has to throw against him. I love how this talk really gets to the basics of what we as parents need to do to make sure our part is done. And it not only works with our kids, but how about those others around us? You may not even have kids yet, but what about your friends, your sisters, brothers, fathers, mothers, cousins, etc? What about your neighbor down the street, are you there, are you listening?? Heavenly Father is sending out messages everyday, every hour, every minute to us, Are We Listening?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Forgiveness: My Burden Was Made Light

Sorry to all those who do read my blog as I have struggled through having yet another computer break down. I know that these trials will eventually end but I have to say it is hard not to feel angry and sad as I spend more money for things that I can not afford to replace, but seem to have to as the adversary really doesn't like that the newsletter I do up every month is touching more and more of our inactive sisters. As he tries to break my spirit and will with yet another break-in that has my camera stolen just before my first photo shoot I have had to try and keep my heart light. It has been hard trying to understand why this has been happening to me and the only answer I could get was that because I am getting stronger and through my wanting and willing to get closer to my Heavenly Father, and that those who don't want that to happen will be more aggressive to stop it. It is hard to work through all of that when you just want to give up because you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel anymore. That it seems to appear that every time it is in your sight, it is taken away again and the road back is even harder than it was the first time. But then I end up getting amazing reminders of how much Jesus and Heavenly Father love me through the friends I have and special messages like the one below that help bring me back up to where I know things will get better. As long as I persevere through these trials and don't let those that want me down to win. I think this family in the video had so much more to over come than I do now and if they can find peace then so will I.