Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday

So it is that time of the week again... not much time to go into many details today. Plus I seem to be having a problem with blogger.

Anyways; so big celebration!! I am at 304lbs! That means I have currently lost 21.6 lbs. I am so excited for the 20lb mark since I have NEVER been able to get there before! My body always goes into panic mode before that. Also it means I am sooo close to getting out the 300lb club soon! Hopefully by next week.
I will post challenge stuff tomorrow when I post about my new toy :) Big news going on all over the place here.
No pic today because of Blogger problems :(

*NOTE* This is being posted on Thursday now cause Blogger kicked me out for a little while. So Friday will be my post on big news and challenges

1 comment:

SongbirdMama said...

Way to go, Dee.....I'm very proud of you. Only 12 more pounds for me until I'm out of the 200s. I haven't seen the scale start with a 1 for 8 years. Keep up the great work.