Sunday, January 24, 2010

Just because...

Ok really I don`t have much to blog about other than to do it because I can and should. It is something I said I would do... I need to get back into doing regular things after so many years of things being up in the air.
It is nice to have the house back to just our family, but boy does it show how I got out of routine too because it seemed so pointless for so long. Ugh is it hard to get back. It was great to have the entire family being able to go to church today. The morning time and costco having changed sunday schedule to 2:15 in stead of 11:45. It feels good to have Mike going again and to see him getting his spirit fed as he is a calmer person at home.... however we learned through someones talk that we can not have peace in chaos which is sooo true. So this week we are really going to buckle down and get some peace brought back into this house. The want is there but where do I find the will when all I feel like doing when I look at all the disorganization that has occurred and want to bury my head in the sand and pretend it is not there? I will find it... Shiney sinks right ;) It will come to me as I get back into all my routines including regular personal prayer and scripture reading. I have a sneaking feeling that will really help. The really scary part is that I need to get it organized quickly as I have been called as Relief Society Secretary and I don't feel I can do my best in that calling if I am not doing my best in my home.
I am so excited and nervous about this calling all at the same time. The one and only time I have had a call that included anything to do with adults was a brief one where I was a Relief Society teacher many moons ago. Yep we are talking many kids ago and I was such a nervous reck then because I didn't know how I was going to teach these amazing woman who have had so much more experience than I have with all things I was teaching... and it was only a small branch with 4 to 5 other people in the room. Crazy eh. But like I said I am excited too as I take on a new journey and it is another motivator to get my life in order which is what I, in a way, have been praying for. The Lord answers in mysterious ways right. LOL. So here I sit now thinking about a talk that seemed to be inspired to speak to me and a new calling that seems to be pushing me and a home that is screaming for peace, So tomorrow I will get started, more than just the babysteps that I will use to keep on track, but really get started on bringing that peace into my home, for my kids, my husband, but in a most selfish way for me. I guess I need to sit down now and make a game plan....
Well it is getting late and if I am going to be able to get started tomorrow I should probably start with a good nights sleep. So I will end with a couple of pictures I took playing around with the camera settings and my kids who seem to Love being my test subjects.

(this is Mike trying to cheer up a teething Cloe.. those 2 year molars are a real pain)

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