So I was rereading my last post and realized that I got a little sidetracked on what I was posting about. It did feel really good to get all of that off my chest though. I had a good cry, again, and felt better. Mind you the next day I had a cold so I felt icky again but not the same kind. So today I am going to get back to what I was posting and that is what I want to accomplish in this New Year.
1. Reclaim My Home!!!
Over the past few years as one person or another has needed a place to stay or store their stuff for a time my stuff and space and cleaning has gone down the tubes. It is hard to want to clean when you have no where to put anything so no matter how much work you do everything still looks like a MESS!! Ok and yes I have 6 wonderful kids you have fun making messes but don't like the cleaning part either. This has always been a weak spot for me even as a kid. Oh how I envy those people who have great organizing skills. I would settle for skills kinda in the middle. :S So I have joined (again as I did this years ago and it was great until things got away from me again). Babysteps through the year will help keep me focused and by next January I will be able to look at my home and feel GREAT! I will keep everyone posted on my daily trials as we go along.
2. Learn Something New!
I have an art course sitting in my home that has been here for a year and a half with hardly any lessons done, So I will complete a lesson a month. I will update that progress and the end of every month. This will actually start in February as January will be focused on reclaiming some space that is just for me to do this work in. It will be fun! Also I have decided that since I can no longer work as a flower delivery driver due to that lack of a economic vehicle (driving my beast of a van around would cost way more than I would make) I am going to take some small photography classes throughout the year. These will happen as classes are available.. the first starts next Monday and goes for 6 weeks. It is a weekly class with assignments that will help me get better acquainted with my camera so I can take the shots I so desperately want to take and can't seem to get right. I will post my homework here and then share the outcome each week as I learn more to make it all better.
3. Solve My Weight Issues!!!!
Now I am not the type of person who usually looks down on myself as for the most part I think I am a fairly great person.. not perfect, but I try everyday to improve. But the issues facing my body are getting wildly out of control! I am going to get my doctors more involved so that everything else I am going to do will not seem like nothing. Last year I had started on weight watchers and it was going well but as my weight started to stop going down no matter what I did and then going up I lost hope and that is not a good place to be in. I had thought that by keeping a daily journal here I would keep on track better but as I got more and more disappointed the less I wanted to write, So the cycle needs to stop. So we are going to solve the medical issues that have my body gaining weight when I start to lose it, and I am going to get into better habits at home because no matter what my body is doing I still need to be healthy in my choices. I am going to get the Biggest Loser for the Wii I think for my birthday gift to myself to help out with this next month but for now I will use the workout dvd I have to try and get into good habits before I spend that kind of money. My goal is to lose at least 50lbs this year. I think it is not to bad a number as that is just 1lb a week and that seems doable (is that even really a word?)
4. Keep in better contact with my Friends and Family :)
I am the WORST penpal in the WORLD!! I have great intentions, but the follow through SUCKS! So every week I am going to sit down a flip through my address book and randomly pick out someone to write a letter to, or send a card. Not only does this make me feel better inside but best part is someone every week is going to know I love them! I will also write on here at least 4 times a week if not more (have to keep posted on my goals so that I can keep track for me) but it shares my little crazy life with those who read this. Not that I am expecting lots of readers... everyone is busy with their own lives but it is kinda nice to know that maybe someone spent a little time with me even if we can't really be together.
So there you have it... my goals this year. Some are everyday things and some are not but all will help make me feel like the person I know I am but can't seem to find right now because of one thing or another. I know this will be fun even if I do have moments where I just want to give up.. when I look back I will cherish it all.. but for now I have to start.. so tomorrow is the beginning... the rest of tonight is dedicated to homework to make tomorrow be easier... (A Sorry no pictures this time as I am on my son's computer tonight while Cloe plays barbie on hers)
Easter Card DIY: Free Printable Kit!
3 days ago
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