So According to FlyLady today is Anti-Procrastination day. As I look around my house (and have a mini blow out with my hubby about it) we have procrastinated many things for so many different excuses. The main one is that we are always so busy. With 6 kids how could one not be busy, plus of course I was working 3 jobs, and had a calling as a cub leader and sooo much more that I let get in the way of keeping my family under control so we could have a good spirit here. The worst one of course is that we have had other people sharing our home for the past almost 4 years. There has always been someone who needs a place to stay or somewhere to store their stuff and I have always said yes. Weare suppose to be giving and such so I always felt it was my duty to say yes. Have we not been told since we were kids "If ye have done unto the lest of these my brothren, ye have done it unto me" So with that in mind how do you say no?? But then we also comanded to keep our families in order with peace and the spirit... so where do you stop with the one so that it does not affect the other? I have obviously waited to long to say no. So I am doing the work now. It all seems so over whelming. I still haven't pu away Christmas! Mind you last year we kept the tree up till almost december, but it was fake and didn't leave a mess of needles everywhere. So of course now I have an even bigger mess to clean up as I pack it all away. So was it worth it to have put it off? Of course I know this a head of time and still do it... ugh!
So here I am trying to figure out the best way to attack my mess and thinking about how many other things in our lives are affected by the same thing?How many times have I set aside my scripture reading time thinking I will get to it later because the kids are awake early, or late or other such reasons? How many times have I shorted myself on the blessings of a full prayer because I felt I had to rush so just did the 2 second standard instead of actually talking top my Father in Heaven? And you know you can find any excuse to put of doing exercise if you let it get in the way. Any small excuse can seem important at the time but when you look back think how stupid it was really. Kind of what Mike and I were fighting about today. We are trying to get the house under control including the dishes so the rule is if the pot (or ginormous bowl we used) is done soaking under the tap as we run the dishwasher it quickly gets washed instead of being put aside to be washed later. It is something we have to reteach ourselves to do as all of our many excuses got us out of that habit. So say something to him about the bowl he dumped this morning and set aside so he could use the sink and he flips and starts telling me how he didn't have time to wash it because he had to get kids ready and such. Less than a minute to wash the darn thing but he didn't have time? That is when it hit me on how bad we had really become with our ability to procrastinate. So how do we get back to not doing that without killing eachother is my new question to solve as I feel so angry about how my hardwork seems to get tossed to the side when there seems to be a good excuse. If this is how Heavenly father feels everytime I put off my proper prayer or reading my scriptures or any of the other small things he has asked then I am truely sorry and will try so much more now to not find excuses. The plus to that being that I will find the blessings that go along with it that I have been missing.
Easter Card DIY: Free Printable Kit!
3 days ago
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