Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Story You Won't Want to Miss

So I know I still have day 7 to post of the Toronto Exchange, but Sam brought me home this story and I just HAD to post it. Trust me, It will make you smile. So without further ado I present:

Something New
By Samuel Lybbert

"But Mom, I want it!" said a little boy.
"No, Jimmy. I'm not getting a laptop" said his Mom. "You already have a computer remember?"
Jimmy said "I don't like it! It's small and slow and doesn't have Internet!"
Then his Mom said "Fine, I'll get you a football, ok?"
"I don't want a football" said Jimmy. "I want something new and high-tech, like a phone!"
"I'm not getting a phone, I'm getting a football." said his Mom, again.
But then a miracle happened! Football Laptops!! Yes thought Jimmy. "Fine Mom, you win. We'll get a football" said Jimmy. He took a football laptop and put it in the cart. And so, Jimmy finally got a laptop.

Yes sirree.. that made me laugh out loud. Hope that brightened your day a little.
Hope you have a Great Day!


Mary Lyn said...

Hahahaha! Oh, Sam....

Terisa's Space said...

Sam! I love your story! What a wonderful way to get what you want! Only you would think of something so awesome! I'm sorry I took so long to comment, I was writing and had to finish. It's a great story, and I love it!