Sunday, June 10, 2012

Christ Never Let Me Down

So today is Sunday.
I struggle with these days right now.
It is not that I don't believe or have faith, but that I feel sad.
I can't say right now, but I do.
I struggle to get up and get the kids ready to go.
I love the feeling of being close to my Heavenly Father and to Jesus.
I love the feeling of love and friendship there, but that is also what makes me feel sad because of what I am struggling with.
Does that make sense?
Probably not, but it is how I feel.
I still go, and try, and my kids see that and so I am sure they learn and grow from it.
I feel I am letting Heavenly Father and Jesus down by feeling those things I feel and gong through what we are going through, but he has never let me down.
I know that to be true everyday.
I watched a touching video this morning that explains more how I feel about this and the faith I have that I can move forward.
Please watch and enjoy.

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