Monday, February 9, 2009

Day 35 and birthday take 2

So after the disaster that was my birthday yesterday..(minus the cute little things the kids gave me) everyone decided to try and give it a second go. It wasn't too bad as I enjoyed a luch out with my visiting teachers. I had saved all my points for birthday cake yesterday and such and since I still had them I enjoyed a good dinner out. They took me to the Great Wall where they have one of the best Chinese buffet in town. I was not shy about taking out my book and I wrote down everything I ate and estimated the amount and it was nice. And then tonight I cooked a nice meal and was able to have some quiet time as my hubby took most of the kids to the hockey game with him. He also gave me a beautiful bouquet of flowers and I feel better. I hate feeling down about myself because then I can't be or do the things I need to. I would of come out it sooner rather than later because I am a strong person but things still sting. I am glad that the other in my life realized this time what they had done and made it better. I makes me feel like people are starting to see me and what I know I am worth. This will help with the mental part of getting my body back to a healthier me.. both inside and out.

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