... how much I Love the new Blogger site? It makes creating posts much easier and it also lets me know that even though I don't get many comments (or any it seems most of the time lately), that people do still come to visit my blog. It would be nice if on those days however if even a few of the average 20 people who come would at least say hi. It sure does make one feel more loved when you take the time to comment.
I also LOVE having some free time for the first time in YEARS! I took last week off and didn't do much around the house and stuff but still had fun. I was able to actually do things when I volunteered to help with Burger Day at the school. I sent off my photography assignment and got some of my Heritage Makers business organized with the joy of weekly meeting on line with Julie. I put my binders together for my tax class I started yesterday so I can work this next tax season and even had time to blog almost everyday! I am working on some more photo assignments and challenges and look forward to the great people I get to take the photos of and hopefully one of these days soon I will get that business up and going. I am looking forward to doing so much more. Some people may have thought that saying at 31 I was done having kids was crazy but look at me now.. 34 and starting to feel like more than just a Mom again. There is still so much more I need to go like feeling good about my body again and my health but I feel like there is now time for me to focus on me and do those things. Now if I could just find some amazing fairy that would come wave her magic wand over my home and it would clean itself oh the things I could do ;)
What has you smiling these days?
And to end the post with a smile check out this photo ...
I use google analytics for my site Dyanne. It give you a break down of how people come to your site and what they looked at when they were there.
I really enjoy reading your posts. So there I said hi!
Hi Dee!! Love the picture! It put a smile on my face.
Hi (there - are you happy?)
I love this picture of Tommy and the kitty. Both look so comfortable! I have now commented on most of the back blogs... are you good now?? ;-)
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