Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Starting to Get back to Normal

Yep.. I really mean it. Thanks to some really AMAZING people our lives We have recovered most of our Beds back!! Just one more single bed to go and everyone will have their own bed to sleep on again! YEAH!!

The removing of the furniture and replacing of that has been different. We have only replaced 2 big chairs but it has really got me thinking about what we had and what we actually need to have. I have set up in my upstairs living room a table for everyone to do their homework and stuff on that seems to work better than having their rooms crowded with desks. It is a brighter room and we don't have TVs in there as it is our reading and music room. So I am thinking I will keep the table there with the some chairs to sit on at the table and the I have 2 big comfy chairs for us to relax in and read our books so maybe just one more big chair with the Piano bench that is all ready in there and there is more than enough seats for everyone with out the bulk of a couch and a love seat. Then we just need to get furniture downstairs in the toy room/ games room but maybe even there I might just get 1 love seat for us older people who watch the movies and TV shows and then some bean bags for the kids who like the lower adjustable stuff. I have kids and I need to furnish my house like I have kids instead of trying to make it look like it comes out a magazine. I need to be more practical about my home being for my family and not worry what everyone else does for theirs. I am enjoying having the opportunity to do this. It is starting to feel good again and not so stressed.

Also I have started back to tax class to train for the next level plus the Photography club has started back up again and I went to the first meeting last night. I have my photography schooling I am getting back into with the kids being in school and hopefully will have the next unit done by the end of October with my assignments sent in. The kids are doing great at school and we have even started back into having our crazy mornings since they are getting back into the routine. I never thought I would enjoy the chaos of fighting with Josh to get out of the shower and Sam to get out of bed because he has snoozed enough. It has been a lot of hard work these past 2 months to get here from catching the parasite but in a way it gave us a fresh start and a more positive out look on life. Would it be weird to say it was almost a blessing to have gone through these struggles? I don't think so.

Well I am off to move in the latest of beds to arrive so I will leave you all with a picture of the toads that seem to have survived being in our old aquarium. They all came out to eat the ants the kids collected on a piece of watermelon.

1 comment:

Terisa's Space said...

I love the picture of the toads! Thanks for sharing it.