Friday, January 15, 2016

Day 12: Fail

Day 12

So today I was trying to be a good Aunt and Sister.
Phoenix had her evening recital for her Choreography class at school.
My sister was unable to make it so I went and set up one camera for videoing it and another for pictures.
Here is the set up.
(I did focus on the camera and not the students for their privacy)

Looks like it would be perfect.
I have the camera taking the videos right behind my chair so I just have to push stop and start and everyone is able to walk around it.
Jordan even came and helped with the picture taking.
As the last dance rolls around I check out my camera taking the video and notice that there are no videos on card just still photos.
I check the settings; it is on video.
What could be wrong?
Well, I was using my older camera for the videos and it turns out the video button was stuck (I did not know that obviously) so the button I was pushing was the still photo button.
There were no videos to show Tami.
I cried.
At least the teacher recorded it so we can get copies in a couple of weeks.
Between Jordan and myself though there were some good photos. So here is one of Phoenix during her solo.

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