Thursday, January 21, 2016

Day 20: Fear

Day 20

Today I had to drive behind a logging truck when taking the kids to school.
It is not my favorite vehicle to drive behind.
As a matter of fact, I have a really big fear of driving behind these trucks.
Seems like this move to logging land is a really stupid one to make if I have such a strong fear of driving behind logging trucks.
Actually I fear driving behind fully loaded logging trucks.
The empty ones are fine.
The thing is I have a very vivid imagination and I can not help but visualize one or more of those logs coming loose and flying into my vehicle.
Let’s face it, they do not look like they are all the secure.
I logically know they are, but fear is not logical and my imagination rides that same illogical train.
I mean look at this! (photo thanks to Ben even if he thought I was crazy for wanting it)

And when your going up a hill it is even worse!
So there are the thoughts going through my head today and it made me think of the other crazy fears I have when driving.
So the next two I am going to share may give some of you grounds to have me checked into a padded room.
I will understand if I find men standing at my door in the next couple of days with a new white coat for me.
So the first one is of the snow covered tree branches on a dark night as you drive by with only yours lights on them.
Seriously people it looks like they are reaching out to grab you!
I feel like they miss me by inches every time.
There is even a set that we pass when we are close to our house that if you look closely are shaped like a dragon’s head.
Here, I grabbed a dramatic picture of them so that you can check it out.

My other fear is other cars following me.
I have had a lot of vivid dreams where I am always being chased, so late at night on a dark road, if I see a set of headlights behind me I keep a close eye on them.
If they haven’t turned off after a few minutes, or pass me when I slow down, I start to get a feeling of panic.
I will admit that one night a few years ago, I was so tired and this truck followed me for almost 20 minutes. When I was only 3 blocks from my house the fear was so high that my imagination joined in for the ride and I could have sworn the hood of the truck opened up into a giant mouth full of sharp teeth that were trying to eat me.
I almost screamed when the truck all of a sudden turned down a road a block away from my house.
So yeah, a set of headlights behind me for too long freaks me out.

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