Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year Resolution 2016

Happy New Year!

So after almost a year of helping Sam with his movie review blog I realized I had neglected my own.
It was not intentional but it happened.
So my resolution is to start the 365 Photo Challenge for myself again and post it here.
Now to set the rules out for myself,
This is not a challenge in being perfect and showing perfection but to document each day something about that day.
The photo may be one taken on my phone or one with my camera, but have it be an honest moment of the day.
No posing the photos to make it look like my life is perfection, it isn’t.
I don’t need to post a long thing about the day, but if so moved I can.
Keep it simple and you can’t fail.
So here is my photo for today, taken at 12:27 am after a long 20 minutes outside taking other photos.
This one is my favorite.

Here are 2 others I really like as well. 
What better way to start the New Year than with a view like this outside my front door.

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